Status: Approved by the Region and posted on the W&W web site.
Purpose: The University has around 4,000 students who attend classes at one of 6 campuses. Students come from a variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds, but all hear the gospel clearly through their campus community, professors and through chapel services. God is working through ANU to train up Godly leaders who are making a real difference for the kingdom in their home countries and cultures.
The Kenyan Department of Education (called CUE) has required that all Universities in Kenya tighten their security to prevent attacks and track all who enter and leave their campuses.
Together with Dr. Professor Marangu, Rob North (Director of Advancement), George Ayothe (Director of IT), and Moses Karani (IT Infrastructure), we have developed the basis of a plan to help the University meet this directive of the CUE and to improve security and infrastructure around the University.
Scope: The Main campus and the downtown campus will be the focus of our project. The main thrust of the project will be to:
1. Install a Security Camera system
2. Install biometric security system to limit and track access to the campus
3. Installing the above systems will require network infrastructure upgrades
This project will take a large team two weeks to mount the devices, run cable and configure the systems.
If we have enough people, we may also attempt to prepare a classroom and meeting room for Video Conference enabled classes, and possibly install a VOIP system that could link the campus phone systems.
If you are interested in discussing this further, please contact Joshua Williams at If you would like to support this project financially, you can give online at